Call Us: (888) 234-6445

Active Note Investors

We sell individual notes or pools of notes in default to like-minded investors wishing to take the time and effort to work with homeowners to obtain a workout. This type of investment is more risky but also allows for higher returns.

Passive Note Investors

Passive note investors allow SCL  to borrow their money with interest. We then take the money to buy a pool of notes and we contact homeowners to create a workout. We provide our investors with a specific return on their money, which is comparable to other investment vehicles. You can also rest assured that your money is backed by physical property. We provide you with a mortgage and note on the use of your money as collateral, providing you peace of mind that your money is secured.

Passive House Investors

Passive house investors allow SCL to borrow their money with interest. We then take the money to buy distressed houses. We provide our investors with a specific return on their money, which is comparable to other investment vehicles.

For the investor who wants to partake in real property, excluding notes, they can participate in the cash flow and appreciation of the properties while excluding participation in the notes. You can also rest assured that your money is backed by physical property. We provide you with a mortgage and note on the use of your money as collateral, providing you peace of mind that your money is secured.